This seminar is about the different kinds of Love, and the importance of Conscious Love.
"Love is the mysterious magnetic and occult force which the Alchemist needs to fabricate the Philosophical Stone and the Elixir of Long Life, without which Resurrection is impossible.
Love is a force that the 'I' can never subordinate because Satan can never subjugate God.
The erudite ignoramuses are mistaken about the origin of Love. The foolish are mistaken about its effect. It is stupid to suppose that the only objective of Love is the reproduction of the species. In fact, Love unfolds and develops in a very different plane, which the swine of materialism ignore. Only an infinitesimal force of Love is used for the perpetuation of the species. What happens to the rest of the force? Where does it go? Where does it unfold? This is what the erudite ignoramuses ignore.
Love is energy and cannot be lost. The excess energy has other uses and purposes which people ignore.
The excess energy of Love is intimately related with thought, feeling and will. Without sexual energy these faculties could not unfold. The creative energy is transformed into beauty, thought, feelings, harmony, poetry, art, wisdom, etc. The supreme transformation of creative energy produces as a result of the awakening of consciousness and the Death and Resurrection of the Initiate.
Really, all the creative activity of humanity comes from the marvellous force of Love. Love is the marvellous force that awakens the mystical powers of Man. Without Love the Resurrection of the Dead is impossible"
V.M. Samael Aun Weor
How can we transform ourselves, how can we awaken?
How can we make progress in meditation?
What is the role of the creative energies in the path of self-realisation?
Do you want to have direct experiences with the distinct parts of your own Spiritual Being?
If mysticism, tantra, transmutation, pranayama, self-knowledge, meditation, and spiritual development are of interest to you, we invite you to attend our FREE public seminar.
Each meeting contains both theory and practice.
It is not necessary to have attended any previous seminars.
These events are delivered from the Gnostic Institute of Anthropology in Tecoma.