These two part seminars are part of a monthly exploration into the Gnostic teachings of Hermetic Astrology. This month these seminars will explore the zodiacal sign of Cancer.
Each meeting contains both theory and practice.
It is not necessary to have attended any previous seminars.
All events are delivered from the Gnostic Institute of Anthropology in Tecoma.
"The objective of this retrospective exercise of our own life is to self-know, to self-discover ourselves, to recognize our good and evil actions, to study our own lunar ego, to become cognizant of our own subconsciousness.
It is necessary to retrospectively arrive at our birth and remember it.
A superior effort will permit the student to connect his birth with the death of his previous physical body. Drowsiness combined with meditation and the retrospective exercise will permit us to remember our present life and the previous one and our other past existences. The retrospective exercise permits us to become conscious of our own lunar ego, of our own errors.
Let us remember that the ego is a bunch of memories, desires, passions, anger, covetousness, lust, pride, laziness, gluttony, self-esteem, resentments, vengeance, etc. If we want to dissolve the ego, we must first study it. The ego is the root of ignorance and pain."
"Only the Being, Atman, is perfect, but he is not born, nor does he die or reincarnate; this is how Krishna said it in the Bhagavad-Gita."
by V.M. Samael Aun Weor
How can we transform ourselves, how can we awaken?
How can we make progress in meditation?
What is the role of the creative energies in the path of self-realisation?
Do you want to have direct experiences with the distinct parts of your own Spiritual Being?
If mysticism, tantra, transmutation, pranayama, self-knowledge, meditation, and spiritual development are of interest to you, we invite you to attend our FREE public seminar.